Promoting Employee Well-Being with AI Recruitment Bots

AI tools are used to improve employee well-being.

The use of AI in recruitment can help automate the process of hiring, improve the experience of candidates, and even decrease the time required to fill a position. LinkedIn research reveals that 67% of hiring managers and recruiters who participated in a survey believe that AI is helping them save time. In the case of AI, it […]

How AI in Onboarding Transforms New Hire Integration

AI improves employee onboarding in multiple ways.

Implementing the onboarding process is crucial for every company as it is one of the significant aspects of the talent management system. It creates the first impression and the foundation for new employees’ experiences that determine their level of motivation, organizational performance, and organizational commitment. Research has revealed that an effective orientation program is likely […]

From Ads to Hires – The Impact of AI on Recruitment Marketing

A recruiter is creating a job ad with the help of AI.

Perception management is central to employer branding since it determines how potential candidates view a given organization regarding applying for a job there. In research conducted by LinkedIn, it has been revealed that companies with strong employer branding report up to 50% lower cost per hire and are 1.5 times more likely to get quality […]

Using AI to Identify and Nurture Passive Candidates

AI has many applications in targeting passive candidates

These are people who, for one reason or another, are not actively searching for a new job but may consider a new opportunity if it meets their needs and wants. They do not seek employment or respond to employment vacancies, but they might be willing to relocate if provided with a good opportunity. As revealed […]

Enhancing Employee Retention with AI Recruitment Bots

Using AI recruitment bot improves employee retention.

High turnover is an issue in many firms since it results in both financial and organizational losses. The Cost per Hire for 2022 in the USA stood at $2700 which was an average as estimated by the Saratoga Workforce Index. The median Cost per Hire is quite different for different industries ranging from $500 to […]

Cutting Costs and Saving Time – The Impact of AI Interviews on Global Hiring

AI interviews are beneficial for international hiring.

The globalization of the business environment has enhanced the trend of seeking talent from anywhere in the world. Overall, more SMBs are establishing international teams. The survey by Gusto revealed that 75% of SMBs had intentions of expanding their international employee headcount, and 54% of the SMBs stated that they have plans to add both international […]

Strategic Advice on AI Recruiting for Tech Company Leaders

Company leaders are discussing strategic recruitment with AI.

When the rate of technological innovation is constantly impacting the nature of work and workforce, the use of AI in hiring has become a strategic solution for technology companies to optimize the recruitment process. As AI recruiting advice is commonly requested by the leaders of technology companies, the role of AI in hiring becomes critical. […]

Insights from CEOs on Hiring Inefficiencies and How to Overcome Them

CEO is holding a meeting to optimize the company's recruitment strategy.

Many professional surveys have pointed out that recruiting or attracting talent is the biggest challenge that hinders organizational development more than issues with sales, marketing, execution, or even financials. This uncomfortable truth serves as the backdrop to the need for organizations to reconsider and transform their talent-sourcing approaches as a matter of urgency. CEOs Sound […]

AI Candidate Screening for Small-Scale and Large-Scale Recruitment

AI hiring for low and high volume recruitment

AI hiring is changing the landscape of the recruitment process and has emerged as the key driver of talent recruitment in the growing and dynamic work environment for both small and big companies. Given the potential to simplify the processes and improve the decisions made, the use of AI in recruitment is not just a […]